Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic marriage pictures

Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic Share first pictures of their grand (Hindu and Christian) Weddings

Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic’s latest wedding pictures

Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic Share the first pictures of their grand wedding in Udaipur. Hardik Pandya these beautiful pictures on their Instagram account with his wife Natasa Stankovic Pandya and wrote: ” Now and Forever ❤️”. They got married in Udaipur at Raffles Udaipur Resort on 17-02-2023. They marry both the rituals of Hindus and Christians.

Hardik Pandya is a Cricketer in the Indian Cricket Team and Natasa Stankovic is an actress and model. They completed 3 years this January to officially announce their relationship. They have a 3-year-old son “Agastya Pandya“. They both look as beautiful as the groom and bride. Natasa is looking so beautiful in a red saree designer blouse.

Frequently asked questions

Where did Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic got married for the first time?

Hardik Pandya and Natasa got married on 31 Dec 2020

When did Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic got officially married?

Hardik Pandya and Natasa got married on 17 Feb 2023

When were they met?

Hardik Pandya’s son’s name?

Hardik Pandya’s son name is Agastya Pandya.

Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic Hindus Wedding Pics 2023

Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic Hindus Wedding Pics
Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic Hindus Wedding Pics
Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic Hindus Wedding Pics
Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic Hindus Wedding Pics

Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic Christians Wedding Pictures 2023

Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic Christians Wedding Pictures
Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic Christians Wedding Pictures
Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic Christians Wedding Pictures

Tags: Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic latest wedding pictures, Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic video, Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic, Hardik Pandya, and Natasa Stankovic marriage date, Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic news, Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic wife Natasa Stankovic, Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic Hindus marriage, Hardik and Natasa Udaipur wedding, Hardik and Natasa Christians wedding pictures, Hardik Pandya wedding, Indian cricketer marriage pics,

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